Our Favorite Startup Resources

After asking founders from all over about their stack. Here’s what they said.

Inside is a list of top startup books, podcasts, growth hacking tools, VC groups, and more. Enjoy. 

Top Startup Blogs and Podcasts

At a startup, our success is influenced by what we know. Feel prepared - good luck. Think you could learn a bit more? Peek inside.

Take a Look

Top Startup Investors, VC Groups, and Accelerators

A simple list of some of the most well known Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, and Startup Accelerators.

Get That Money

Top Tools for Growth

From Email Marketing, to online advertising, to sales. Here are the tools that let us do the work of ten, with a team of two.

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Top Startup Books

Looking for more than just a quick read? Here's a list of the highest recommended startup books.

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Coming Soon: Growth Playbooks

  • The Cold Email Playbook
  • The First Customer Playbook
  • The Google Ads Playbook
  • The Facebook Ads Playbook
  • The A/B Testing Playbook
  • The Creative Design Playbook
  • The Copywriting Playbook
Want to know the exact growth strategies we’ve used to land thousands of new customers?